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Law Bringing Great Results

About the Attorney

Antonio Celso De Dominicis Neves is the founder of Antonio Celso De Dominicis Neves Sociedade Individual de Advocacia, a Brazilian law firm headquartered in São Paulo, with presence in Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul.

He is member of the Brazilian Bar Association, member of the São Paulo Bar Association, former president of the Commission for the Judicial Reorganization, former President of the Commission for International Law, both of the Brazilian Bar Association, Pinheiros Chapter, and general member of the International Master of Gaming Law – IMGL.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in law and communications from the Armando Álvares Penteado Foundation – FAAP. Post-graduated in Intellectual Property from the Armando Álvares Penteado Foundation – FAAP. Post-graduated in Economic Criminal Law and European Law by the University of Coimbra, Portugal. Post-graduated in Internet Technology from the Rio de Janeiro Federal University – COPPE. He also holds a Master of Law – LLM degree from the University of Washington School of Law in Saint Louis, Missouri, USA.

Dr. Antonio Celso De Dominicis Neves packs a wide experience over the past 15 years, providing legal support to foreign companies, especially those dedicated to the gaming industry, to operate in Brazil and comply with local Law and Regulations, and to proceed with debt collections in Brazilian Courts, efficiently and transparently.

Contact us

Please click the link below and feel free to contact our office in São Paulo, Brazil.

Law Articles (in portuguese)

A prorrogação do prazo de 180 dias a que se refere o artigo 6° da Lei 11.101 de 2005


Com o deferimento do pedido de Recuperação Judicial, dentre outras medidas, determina-se a suspensão do prazo de todas as ações ou execuções contra a empresa recuperanda...



Entrevista na Rádio Webcom


Advogado  Antonio Celso De Dominicis Neves, Presidente da Comissão de Recuperação Judicial e Direito Falimentar da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil - Pinheiros, fala em entrevista ...



A obtenção da prova nos crimes praticados em ambientes virtuais


Um dos aspectos mais importantes da criminalidade relacionada aos computadores é sua abrangência mundial. Os crimes internacionais são parte de um fenômeno moderno único e a natureza global do ciberespaço aumenta significativamente a habilidade dos infratores ...



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